Monday, 5 November 2012

falling behind

Oh dear I've fallen way behind not only with blogging but also commenting on your blogs too so sorry if I've not kept up. I opened my reader the other day and saw over 400 posts unread eep!

I realise I have quite a few blog posts in my head that haven't made it onto here yet. So I'm going to play catch up this week and try out posting more often, you never know it might turn into a habit, unlikely but possible none the less.


lovely bunch of flowers in lieu of sewing content

I've only just decided this so I've no real content to add tonight as I have a load of photos to sort out for the shop and if I don't sort them tonight I'll just keep putting it off, I reeeaaally don't like doing the photos, give me sewing any time over photo editing.

Anyway hope you're all doing fine and I shall be back tomorrow with something proper to say.

Bye for now

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Canadian Abroad said...

We shall wait patiently because when you do post your sewing it is always stunning.

Lynz said...

Oh, I know ALL about the procrastinating over blogging and photos! I'll try and blog a little more this week to keep you company, deal? Although I make no promises, life is hectic just now. Nice to hear from you though, dude!

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