Wednesday 20 April 2011

some colour in the garden at last

It's been beautiful weather here lately and the garden is finally showing some colour, at last. I thought I'd take some photos of the few flowers we have, we're not exactly gardening experts here. My hubbies idea of gardening is strictly power tool orientated ie cut it up, chop it down, get the idea?

Some more colour now but of the fabric kind. I recently went to the local fabric shop Match-a-Patch in Stirling and came home with a small but perfectly formed bundle of dotty fabric. The navy FQ has been bagsied  by my daughter to make a wee purse or maybe a Ditty Bag. it's a lovely shop with lots of fabric not much of my favourite designers but lots of great fabrics and some nice very reasonable solids too. They run classes to so I'll be keeping that in mind for the future.

I'm currently working on a Thomas the Tank cushion cover for my youngest and I'll hopefully get it finished in time for his birthday. This will be helped greatly by the arrival of our new iron, I hate ironing apart from when it's sewing related of course.

It'll soon be my 1 year blog anniversary, the 23rd April to be exact. I was thinking I might do a giveaway, not exactly sure what it'll be yet but I thought I'd just give you a heads up anyway. 

Bye for now

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