Anyway I have written loads of blog posts in my head but as you can tell they haven't made it any further than that. In fact this one was almost put off until tomorrow but there in lies the problem so it'll be short and sweet so I don't procrastinate further.
I have finally (this might actually require a drum roll even though it's not a finished top yet, never mind a finished quilt) finished the blocks for my Swoon. Yay, after a year or more, woo hoo!

I made the last 3 blocks at once which was a bit of a drag but it got it done. Now the only thing is one of the blocks is bugging me, it seems a bit weak compared to the others, can you tell which one it is yet?

Looks ok in that picture but in the one below the blue and yellow block, left handside of the middle row, is it me or does it look a bit wishy washy? Ack now that I see this photos again now I want to rearrange them again.....gggrrr!

Now am I just being a big old fuss pot do you think or since it's taken me this long to make the blinking blocks should I make just one more to replace that one, thoughts anyone?

bye for now

PS Yes I know I'm a hopeless case and incurable perfectionist :)
PPS Sarah at FairyFace Designs has started up Swoonalong part 2 so if you thought you'd left it too lkate to join in with Swooning you've no excuse now. I wonder if I could sneak in and actually feel like I've kept up with an 'along' or would that be cheating......
They look gorgeous! If I were you I'd stick that one in the middle - like a yellow sunshine!
The blocks are wonderful....but I know what you mean....I am making this quilt now. I have 2 blocks pieced; my first one is pale, but it is a kit and the pale green looks closer to yellow, but I will live with
They are on my post if you want to have a look.
All of your blocks look lovely together - Lucys idea is good thoguh!
I agree with you. In the top picture it didn't seem as vibrant as the other blocks but when it is along the side i think it works. Really a pretty quilt!! I have had the pattern for 2 years and finally decided which fabric to use. Has it taken a long time because you don't have much sewing time or are the blocks buggers to put together? Do you know about how much time it takes you to put one block together?
I love your blocks! I agree with someone else who said the yellow block would look awesome in the middle. :-)
I understand the perfectionist in you. I think they look fine. Try taking another picture of them and change the saturation to black and white (maybe use PicMonkey) - they might give you a better idea of which blocks read darker or lighter and you can arrange them accordingly. Just a thought!
Lovely! Your swoon is wonderful. That one block doesn't stick out at all in the bottom arrangement. Its a fantastic top!
when you squint your eyes that yellow and blue blocks does not have a strong light medium and dark...i think if it was me i would remake it...i would never be happy knowing i just settled but do try it in the middle and see if that improves the look
Your swoons are amazing! I wouldn't change a thing. Sometimes it's good to have one block that's a bit "off". Makes the quilt more interesting. Beautiful.
Reading your post I kept thinking of One of these things is not like the other. A little different can be good though especially in a modern quilt. I'd celebrate this up front and centre and like Lucy stick it in the middle. Your blocks look great - I've only just pulled fabric to join in on swoon 2013 and printed the pattern. Looking forward to seeing your finished arrangement.
First, congrats on getting them done! Mine have been sitting for almost a year now, 6 down 3 to go. And second, while i agree it has a very similar tone between the two fabrics i don't think it needs to be remade. It looks great, i'm with the others that suggested putting it in the center! Gorgeous work!
Beautiful!! I just started Instagram and am now following you (@Owlwink)!
If it will really bug you, then remake it, and use that one on the back of the quilt maybe? Or a matching cushion. :o)
I think it looks good, took me a while to figure out which block you meant - but if it really bugs you..........
If it hacks you off, redo it! And use the block for something else :o)
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