Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Stitch Gathering

It's still a bit quiet here, my daughter is still not up to going back to school so we're still hunkered down at home. As yet I just can't seem to build enthusiasm for sewing just now so my poor sewing machine is feeling totally neglected.

However one announcement did get me all fired up and that's the tickets goings on sale for The Stitch Gathering Yay! This is a one day modern quilting retreat organised by Jo at My Bearpaw, there's workshops, swaps, goody bags and an after party all happening in Edinburgh. Take a look at the teachers for the workshops, you might just recognise a few.

All this and a chance to meet up with other sewing fanatics, I said 'yes please don't mind if I do' and snapped up a ticket. So are you going? I can't wait!

Bye for now
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Fiona @ Poppy Makes said...

Hope your daughter gets better soon.
Yay! So excited to hear you are going to the Stitch Gathering! I'm on a countdown already!

Katy Cameron said...

Hope everyone's back to 100% soon, and hopefully I'll catch up with you next time I'm up!

Crafted by Carly said...

I've been thinking of you and your daughter. I hope she'll be fit and ready for school again soon. Your sewing machine will forgive for long absence, I'm sure. :-)

myBearpaw said...

yay!! So pleased you will be joining us in June Nikki! I hope you are all on the mend soon.

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