Wednesday, 11 May 2011

cake, bunting and quilt binding

How does anyone with kids manage to write a blog post? I thought I'd steal a quick moment here but now I'm having to give instructions on how to make a paper airplane to one child while also fielding requests to order stuff on Amazon for eldest child's xbox, plus I am actually meant to be making tea.

So anyway this week I've been mostly having sore hands and elbows, why you ask? Well after only a year (insert sarcastic tone of voice) I have almost finished my first quilt. I have been extremely distracted by other projects but also have been kind of avoiding the whole quilting part of making a quilt. So last week I decided it was time to face the quilting and maybe even bind the ruddy thing. I was quite pleased with the binding but it is killing my hands. I've only got about a third left to do and I'm not sure whether to just keep on trucking or take a break and come back to it.

It's taught me a few things though, like;

  • I love having a handmade quilt (even an unfinished one), 
  • I love Quilter's Dream wadding soooooooooo soft, 
  • I'm not sure if I love my choice of fabric (but it was cheap £10 for a Moda jelly roll) 
  • but most of all I really hope that my stupid hands/elbows don't stop me from making another one.

So do you suffer for your sewing? Do you put up with aches and pains and tennis elbow just so you can keep sewing? I know I do and I know I should wear my splints more and take more breaks and I know not to knit or spin or draw but I'll go mad if I can't sew aaaaargh!

I'd better hurry up now or eldest isn't going to get any tea before his trombone lesson, bad mummy!

On a less moaning-faced-git note I did make a nice quick project at the beginning of the week from some of the AMH voile I had in my stash and it's brightened up the downstairs cludgie (loo) a treat.

Also Jamie and I rustled up a cake for visitors today that came out really well. It's a lemon tray bake from Beautiful Baking by Jane Asher. This book is fast turning out to be our go-to baking book, everything we've made from it comes out brilliantly!

Bye for now

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Lynz said...

Oh, I just love your bunting!! Cannae beat a wee bit of prettiness in the lavvy. *g*

Rachael Alexander said...

I have 2 words for you - 'machine binding'!!

I finished 'my first quilt' not that long ago (blogged here - and like you, I found the actual 'quilting' a bit daunting (and slightly boring - am I allowed to say that!!?) I did machine binding which only took about an hour and that was it done. I look at it with such fondness now and I'm so glad I made it.

I get bad wrist pain with doing a lot of cutting, whether its with scissors or the rotary cutter, I suppose we just have to suffer for our art!

Rachael Alexander said...

I have 2 words for you - 'machine binding'!!

I finished 'my first quilt' not that long ago (blogged here - and like you, I found the actual 'quilting' a bit daunting (and slightly boring - am I allowed to say that!!?) I did machine binding which only took about an hour and that was it done. I look at it with such fondness now and I'm so glad I made it.

I get bad wrist pain with doing a lot of cutting, whether its with scissors or the rotary cutter, I suppose we just have to suffer for our art!

sewquine said...

Oh glad to hear the machine binding went well. I'll be giving it a go but probably on a mug rug before tackling a quilt. I was too chicken to try it on this quilt as it's taken sooo long I didn't want to fall at the last hurdle.

I find the rotary cutter bad for my wrists too and if I had the spare cash I'd invest in one of the ergonomic ones which don't put a strain on your wrists.

sewquine said...

thanks Lynz, nothing worse than a lack luster lavy :)

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