This is why, in amongst the usual dull or unwanted post was my wonderful Mouthy Stitches Pouch! When I first saw the packet I thought it was a wee piece of sale fabric I'd ordered from the US (note to self 'wear your glasses') which would have been exciting on it's own but when I opened it, it was sooo much better.
This lovely pouch was made for me by Cindy who blogs at Fluffy Sheep Quilting who also happens to be one of the Swap Mamas on the Mouthy Stitches Swap. I've been following Cindy since I came across her Free Motion Friday feature, unfortunately I didn't manage to join in but it was cool to see everyone have fun learning FMQ. Cindy's celebrating one year of blogging today so why not pop over and join in her giveaway, once you've finished oohing and ahhhing over the goodies she sent me first of course.
Just look at the paper pieced star from the Solstice Star Series which is already on my Tutorials Board on Pinterest. I especially like the purple fabric which I think is from the Lizzy House 1001 Peeps - another fabric for the hit list.
Ah and wait here's the inside, ECHINO! It's no secret how much I love Echino fabrics so I'm well chuffed with the lining too!
That's not all, feast your eyes on the scraps Cindy sent me. I love every single one of them, I mean how could you not? Heather Ross, Echino, Erin McMorris, and the robots and foxes too - gorgeous!
This Alice in Wonderland fabric caught my daughter's eye, as it has glitter on it, sooo pretty. I shall be guarding these scraps carefully until I work out exactly what to do with them. They will not be being shoved into my over flowing scrap box that's for sure.
So taking part in a swap means, you get to make lots of new sewing pals, have a gorgeous gift made especially for you and get a huge buzz from making a surprise gift for someone else too. Thank you to the Swap Mamas, Cindy, Hadley and Susan, and also to everyone that's left comments on my flickr photos. I've really enjoyed my first swap, it certainly won't be my last.
Bye for now

As nice as it is to make things for swaps it's also lovely to be on the receiving end! So glad you got a lovely surprise in the post - it really looks 'you' as well :)
I love it! What a lovely swap gift to receive! I have never participated in swap, but would love to give it a try.
Beautiful pouch!! She's a talented lady! Lovely scraps too, I love the glitter as well :)
Oooh, lucky you! Happy mail is definitely one of the great things about swaps :o)
SO glad you enjoyed the swap and we haven't put you off for life! And nice package from Cindy. She is the best!
Lucky you! That is a beautiful pouch and super fun scraps!
I'd love to do a swap but no idea how you join one....
A beautiful swap. How lovely to receive this in the post.
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