I thought I'd take a quick look back on 2012 and see what went on and whether I managed to keep any of the sewing resolutions made this time last year.
From Jan 2012
- Make Jamie's Children at Play Juice Box quilt - this is carried forward from last year - completed
- Make Callum's improve quilt - again carried forward from last year - cut out but not started :(
- Join a QAL - already in progress with Katy's Swoon-along - still a wip
- Join a swap - also in progress with the Mouthy Stitches Zipper Pouch Swap - completed three times over with Mouthy Stitches 1 and 2 plus the Japanese Charm Swap :)
- Complete my PIFs - very embarrassed to say this is also carried forward from last year, sorry girls didn't mean to be this rubbish - completed
- Try paper piecing - I have paper piecing board on Pinterest that I'm pinning ideas and tutorials on so if you have any more for me please let me know - completed again with Mouthy Stitches 1
- Make more things for my shop - need to work out a system of keeping the shop stocked, dealing with custom orders and also getting my own sewing done - think this will have to involve cloning or time travel so will need a lot of work :) - ongoing/completed and no still not mastered the cloning/time travel bit ;)
- Join a sewing group - yay I can tick that one too as I'm very excited about going to the first meeting of the West Central Scotland Modern Quilting Guild set up by Katy from The Littlest Thistle - already joined when I wrote this so a bit of a cheat but I'll take it as completed, although sadly only made it to a couple of meetings.
I completed seven yay! Well I've done some creative accounting to get to seven completed really but cleverly (read that as luckily) I listed resolution 3 as to 'join' a QAL now technically I did 'join' the Swoon-a-long but so far I'm not even half way to completing the top!
So that only leaves the quilt for my eldest which really really must be done this year before he changes his mind.
I've got quite a few things planned for this year, I was thinking of joining the Finish a-long as I have quite a few projects ongoing that haven't even mentioned yet, maybe that'd help keep me on track, what do you think? I'll need to stay strong though to stick to my planned projects as every time I look at Instagram I see another project I want to do, #scrappytripalong - need I say more!!!
Anyway here is a little mosaic of finishes in 2012, the blocks for the Siblings Together is not really a finish but I loved being involved even in a small way with such a lovely project so I've added it anyway.
Bye for now
Love what you created for the year, and sure that all counts ;o)
You make the most beautiful things - and my favourites are the Mouthy Stitches swap items. You had such very lucky, lucky partners!
It's great that you achieved so many of your targets for 2012! Well done you!!! I love your mosaic of makes - so colourful!!!
Happy new year to you!!!
You have made some fantastic stuff and I see numbers 2, 8 and 10 cropping up loads in Flickr inspiration mosaics.
My pif from a male blogging American....never happened and so I'm pleased that I took your advice to get names once the gift arrived!
Oh Yum! Look at this mosaic. Gorgeous makes!
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