Friday 30 July 2010

I found it :)

I shouldn't have blamed the little one he hadn't hidden it at all, I just hadn't looked properly.

Anyway my latest project is a sleeping mask which I reckon will be needed for our impending camping trip to Shetland. It stays light there very late into the night during summer and due to the fact I'm not a natural at the camping lark I think I'll need all the help I can get to have any sleep at all.

So I used the pattern out of the Amy Butler's in Stitches book. I've had this book for years and this is the first project I've made from it. It's very straight forward and also nice and quick .. a bit of a recurring theme here, quick projects. I used some hand dyed bamboo velour from Lush Tush which is beautiful, I also bought some undyed fabric from there too so I can have a go at dyeing at some point. So the top fabric is bamboo velour, then 2 layers of warm and natural wadding which you then quilt. The backing was some lovely deep blue silk that I've had lurking about for at least 10 years, nice to find a use for it after all this time.

I'm very pleased with how it's come out and the bamboo velour really is soft soft and gorgeous I'll be looking for excuses to use it again definately. I need to make another one for my daughter and I'm planning on using some of the lovely hand dyed bamboo velour that came in the scarps bag I got from Emma at Puddlekins.

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